Piper Archer II N8318Y Weight and Balance Calculator

Weight & Balance Calculator Piper PA-28-180 – Javascript

PA-28-180 Weight and Balance Calculator

Form default data is for .





 Empty Weight (Includes unusable fuel and 0 oil)
 Oil ( qt max, 7 lb/gal) qt:
 Front Seat L & R  
 Fuel ( gal useable) gal:
 Rear Seat L & R  
 Baggage ( lb max)
 Gross Weight ( lb max):  
 Loaded Center of Gravity:  
 Maneuvering speed, Va (kts):  <=(decr. with decr. wt.)
Calculated Gross Weight and C.G. point must lie within the utility or normal category envelope limits per the Airplane Flight Manual

This calculator is presented for educational purposes only. You, as pilot in command, are solely responsible for assuring correct data and proper loading of your aircraft prior to flight.

  • Empty weight and C.G. data comes from your AC current weight & balance records.